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Welcome to our hospital

Welcome to our hospital. We hope you the fastest improvement. Please study and pay attention followings during your hospitalization:


1. Please comply Islamic rules and Hijab.

2. Please bring your passport and all of your medical documents that are related to your disease and also all of your using medicines.

3. Patients visiting hours are from 2 pm until 4 pm.

4. Do not bring children to the hospital.

5. Sajjade and Quran are available in your room.

6. Internet is available in the hospital , for more information please refer to IP Department.

7. For every coordination about coffee shop and restaurant , transportation and private ambulance , laundry please refer to IP Department or call

8. Please don't smoke in the hospital.



date: 1403/10/12
در صورت تمایل یک نظر برای این صفحه ارسال بفرمایید